When the lakes and rivers freeze most people would think the fishing season is over. Here in the north we do things a little different. We put our summer gear in storage and we change it for smaller lighter winterfishing equipment.
The possibilities during winter are endless. The put and take lakes are a prime location to fish for brown trout, Rainbow trout and Arctic char and the rivers turn in to Grayling and Perch hotspots. The fish move a lot slower during the winter. And finding where they hang out is key to a succesfull day of fishing. Thats why we never leave witout our winter fishfinder. With this piece of equipment second guessing if the fish is there is history. Now you can see if the fish is there but simply dont like the bait of choise or if you are fishing a dead hole.
Fishing during winter months can get cold, Especially when handling a lot of fish. But dont worry, If you want we can always provide our guests with hand warmers and a campfire and some nice Lunch on the lake
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